Category Archives: Uncategorized

Aquatic Turtle Care

A bit more than six years ago, when I worked for a company called DreamHost, I went to my first DreamHost holiday party. There were maybe 20 people at that party, and we were seated at the same table in … Continue reading

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REI Shipping Fail

I ordered four small items from REI, in the same order. Here’s how two of the items arrived today. What an awful waste. REI should be ashamed.

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Burner Bike

Fastened on with two-part epoxy, as recommended by a friend. The head bobbles.

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Rapturous links

Seems like the internet is all abuzz about the rapture today (has been for a few days), so I thought I’d compile some links/pictures here for your viewing pleasure. First off, a video from YouTube from the great show “Six … Continue reading

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Two years ago today, Sam Haber made me the happiest woman alive by saying “I do.” He’s made being married a fun adventure, and I’m a really lucky woman to have such a funny, awesome, and supportive partner. Happy anniversary, … Continue reading

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Fear the power of technology!

I can post from my Android phone. Let’s hope the script that allows this to happen isn’t as vulnerable as I remember.

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New blog, many modifications

I’ve started a few WordPress blogs before, although none of them has exactly “stuck.” But for all of them, there’s a few minimum things I do. When you first setup WordPress, right when you login for the first time, you’re … Continue reading

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Many disorganized thoughts

Here I go trying this out again. I have many things on my mind right now. I’m going to Burning Man at the end of the month (holy crap). I’ve made the decision to bring my camera (my Nikon D200 … Continue reading

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